This program is open to purebreds and mixed breeds of all ages, as well as posthumous awards.
How to apply:
Submit your information and photos or scans of proof of your titles online via Google forms here,
or download the fillable application to email. Be sure that any online title records supplied include the dogs’ name in the screenshot.
How to calculate your EVD 30/50/100 titles:
For dogs that have 30, 50, 100, 150 or 200 total titles.
ALL official titles count toward this, for example if you have 15 titles in scent work, they will all count, even from different organizations (official recorded title/certificate, not just a list of Qs or ribbons). All DMWYD titles. All Excellent/Ace titles in a level will count, eg. FCAT4 would be 6 titles (BCAT, DCAT, FCAT, FCAT2, FCAT3, FCAT4).
Highest titles can be submitted as we can calculate the progression. For example if you submit RE, it is proof that you have RN and RA. If you have RI, you must submit that, as it is not a required level etc.
Titles that have already been submitted for Versatility Level titles do not have to be re-submitted.
Extreme Versatility titles will count toward it.
Titles must be recorded by the official organization.
How to calculate your EVD Level titles:
Please note that MANY organizations’ titles are eligible for this program – the titles listed on the Checklist below are to give an idea on the level of difficulty that is expected/comparable in the Extreme levels, as a guideline only.
Each section within the levels has been divided for clarity. You only need to have one title in the sections that show multiple options (except where noted) – eg if you have CGN/CGC, you do not need FDC as well.
You cannot submit titles for the same discipline for a level – eg Scent Detection Containers AND Scent Detection Interior will not be counted as 2 different disciplines/titles.
Juniors, preferred or senior titles are accepted.
You may use previously used titles when adding on to a level that you have already applied for, in order to move up in that level.
You may submit a higher level title in order to top up a lower level Extreme Versatility title – eg if you have a conformation Champion, you may apply that toward Novice.
You do not need to apply for lower levels if you are eligible for higher levels (eligible lower levels are optional).
As some disciplines have several organizations, you may submit a comparable title for review, including virtual titles.
Find more FAQs and a partial list of recognized organizations here.
Eligible teams will receive an emailed digital certificate with their title, dog’s name, handler’s name and the application date.
Check out the Facebook page Extreme Versatility dog titling program for a downloadable Dog Record template excel file with a list of levels and titles for reference so that so that you can add your titles as you go along.
We are thankful to all of the organizations and people that build, host or offer the many dog sports available to us.
The Extreme Versatility Dog Program and its administration does not endorse any particular organization(s), event(s) or program(s), nor is held responsible or liable for any injury that may result in participating in this program or any organization’s programs or events.
In general, disciplines are in alphabetical order
Level 1 Extreme Versatility Novice
XVN (3 Novice level titles)
XVN6 (6 Novice level titles)
XVNX (10+ Novice level titles)
Ball Fetch/Novice recaller (FTN/NR)
Barrellers Beginner/Performance Clover/Straight (BRCL/PRCL/BRSL/PRSL)
Barn Hunt Novice/Barn Ratting Novice-Advanced/Ratter/Happy Ratter (RATN/NBAR/MBAR/RAT/HRAT)
Blood Tracking (Aptitude Assessment/SW)
Canine Good Neighbour/Citizen (CGN/CGC/CGCU/CGCA/SPOT)
Farm Dog Certified/Temperament Test (FDC/ATT)
Companion Dog Test/Basic Obedience and Temperament (BH-VT/BH)
Conformation Champion (CH/CCH)/ Altered Champion (CH(ALT)/ALCH) [Advanced level]
Coursing Chase Ability/Coursing Ability (CA/CT)
Novice Courser/Junior Courser (NC/JC/RACEN/RACEA)
Dance Freestyle Beginner/Novice Divisions
Disc Dog Bronze/Certified Frisbee-Roller Dog/Basic Disc Dog-Proficiency (DDB/CFD/CRD/BDD/DD)
Dock Novice/Dock Junior (DN/DJ/UNJ/UJJ/DD/GJ)
Air Retrieve Novice/Junior/Hydro Dash Novice (AN/AJ/HDN/UNJ/URUV/USF/SS/FF)
Draft Dog Novice/Carting Started (NDD/CS/DS)
Earthdog Novice (NE) [Advanced level]
Field Dog Junior [Pointing] (FDJ)
Water Dog Junior [Pointing] (WDJ)
Flyball Dog/Multibreed Dog (FD/MBD)
Herding Novice Tested (HNT/HT)
Lost Item Recovery (LI-I)
Mantrailing Certification Test (EECT)
Obedience Pre-Companion Dog/Beginner Novice (PCD/BN/CW-Ob1/CWR/CD-C/PN)
Parkour Training (PKD-T/Foundation Level 1)
Parkour Foundation – Level 2 (ADP-FS/ADP-L1/ADP-L2)
Rally Novice/Intermediate (RN/RI/CRN/URO1/RL1/CW-SR/P-CRO-II)
Scent Work Handler Discrimination Novice (SHDN/NHD)
Scent Hurdling Dog (SHD) Scent Hurdling Dog Excellent (SHDX)
Shed Dog I (SD-I/SHL1) Junior Shed Hunter/Working Shed Dog (WSD) [Advanced level]
Sled Dog (SD) [Advanced level]
Straight Sprinter Novice/FastCAT (NS/S/BCAT/DASH)
Performance Racer/Companion Racer (PR/CR)
Therapy Dog Novice (THDN)
Tracking Level 1/Level 2/Level 3 (FPR1/FPR2/FPR3/FPr1)
Trail and Locating I (TL-I)
Urban Locating I (UL-I)
Treibball Pre-Novice (TE-PN/TPC/D-PN/TRB-N)
Trick Dog Novice/Intermediate (NTD/TKN/ITD/TKI)
Water Dog Junior (JWD)
Weight Pull (UWP/VPN/WPD~)
Working Certificate (WC)
Level 2 Extreme Versatility Advanced
XVA (3 Advanced level titles)
XVA5 (5 Advanced level titles)
XVAX (8+ Advanced level titles)
Ball Fetch/Advanced Recaller (FTI/FTA/MR)
Barrellers Haltar Clover/Straight (HRCL/HRSL)
Barn Hunt Open/Barn Ratting Master/Expert Ratter (RATO/MBAR/XRAT)
Blood Tracking (UBT–I/SW)
Conformation Champion (CH/CCH)
Conformation Champion Altered (CH(ALT)/ALCH)
Coursing Chase Ability Advanced (CAA/CTX)
Advanced Courser/Senior Courser (AC/SC/RACEE)
Dance Canine Freestyle Intermediate/Advanced Divisions
Disc Dog Silver/Advanced Frisbee-Roller Dog/Basic Disc Dog X (DDS/DDBE/AFD/ARD/DDX)
Dock Diving/Air Retrieve/Hydro Dash – any Advanced/Champion title (ADD/AGJ/ASS/AFF)
Draft Dog/Carting Intermediate (DD/CI/DA)
Earthdog Junior (JE/JXE)
Field Dog [Pointing] (FD)
Water Dog [Pointing] (WD)
Flyball Dog Excellent/Multibreed Dog (FDX/MBDX)
Herding Started (HS)
Herding Stock Dog/Tending Started (SDS/HTS)
Hunter Junior/Junior Hunter Retriever (JH/JHR)
Lost Item Recovery II (LI-II)
Mantrailer (MT)
Obedience Companion Dog/Excellent (CD/CDX/UCD/UCDX/CW-Ob2/CWT/CDX-C/UPr1)
Oval Track Racer/Breed Oval/Mixed (OTR/BOC/MOC)
Division II Oval Race Champion (DIIOCH)
Parkour Novice (PKD-N/Foundation Level 2)
Parkour Level 3 (ADP-L3)
Rally Advanced (RA/CRA/URO2/RL2/CW-AR/P-CRO-III)
Scent Detection Open (SDO/NW2/SD-A/CW-SI/CW-ScR2/AN/DS2/DOG/CCSS-L2/DS-SSI~A/DSA-SD\A)
Scent Work Handler Discrimination Advanced (SHDA/AHD)
Scent Hurdling Dog Champion (SHCH)
Shed Dog II (SD-II/SHL2) [Excellent level]
Working Shed Dog (WSD)
Junior Shed Hunter
Sled Dog (SD)
Straight Race Advanced Sprinter/FastCAT (AS/DCAT/RUSH)
Title of Racing Proficiency (TRP)
Companion Racer/Ex/Breed Race/Mixed (CR/CRX/BRC/MRC)
Division II Race Champion (DIICh)
Therapy Dog (THD)
Tracking Dog/Urban Tracking Dog (TD/UTD [Excellent level]) (FPr2)
Trail and Locating II (TL-II)
Urban Locating II (UL-II)
Treibball Novice (TE-N/TPC/D-N/TRB-NCH/TRB-NCH)
Trick Dog Novice Masters (NTD-M)
Intermediate Trick Dog Masters (ITD-M)
Advanced Trick Dog (ATD/TKA)
Water Dog Apprentice (AWD)
Water Rescue Dog Novice (WRDN)
Working Certificate Intermediate (WCI)
Working Spaniel/Junior Hunter/Started Hunting Retriever (WS/JH/JHR/SHR)
Weight Puller Advanced (AP/VPA/WPDX~)
Level 3 Extreme Versatility Excellent
XVE (3 Excellent level titles)
XVE5 (5 Excellent level titles)
XVEX (7+ Excellent level titles)
Agility Excellent/Steeplechase (AGX/AGXJ/AGSC/AX/AXJ/EAC/EJC/UACH/CL3-R/SAM/JM/MADC)
Ball Fetch/Ex Recaller (FTR/AR/XR)
Barn Hunt Senior/Barn Ratting Champion/Champion Ratter (RATS/ChBAR/CHR)
Barrellers Performance Champ Clover/Straight (PCRCL/PCRSL)
Blood Tracking 2 (UBT–II/SW/ )
Conformation Grand Champion/Altered (GCH/GRCH/CGCH)
Coursing Chase Ability Excellent (CAX/CTS)
Advanced Courser Excellent/Master Courser (ACX/MC/RACEM/RACEE/SPRINT)
Dance Canine Freestyle Champion Division
Disc Dog Gold/Champion Frisbee-Roller Dog/Disc Dog Ch (DDCh (DDG/DDSE/ChFD/ChRD/DDCh)
Dock Air Retrieve Senior/Hydro Dash Senior (AS/HDS/USUV/UUF/EDD/EGJ/ESS/EFF)
Dock Senior (DS)
Dock Diving/Air Retrieve/Hydro Dash – any Excellent/Grand title
Draft Dog Advanced/Carting Excellent (DDA/CX/DX)
Earthdog Senior/Excellent (SE/SXE)
Field Dog Advanced [Pointing] (FDA)
Flyball Dog Champion/Multibreed (FDCh/MBDCh)
Herding Intermediate (HI~)
Herding Stock Dog/Tending Intermediate (SDI/HTI)
Lost Item Recovery III (LI-III) [Master level]
Mantrailer Intermediate (MTI)
Obedience Utility Dog/Obedience Trial Champion (UD/OTCH/UUD/UOCH/CW-Ob3/CWI/CWB/CWS/UD-C/UPr2)
Oval Track Racer of Merit/Supreme Oval Ch (OTRM/SBOC/SMOC)
Division II Oval Race Ch Excellent (DIIOCHX)
Parkour Intermediate (PKD-I/Foundation Level 3)
Parkour Level 4 (ADP-L4)
Rally Excellent//Rally Advanced Excellent (RE/RAE/CRX/URO3/RL3/CW-PR/P-CRO-IV)
Scent Detection Excellent (SDE/SD-E/CW-SSS/CW-ScR3/SN/DS3/TOG/CCSS-L3/DS-SSE) NW3 [Master level]
Scent Detection Container, Interior or Exterior (SDC/I/X)
Scent Hurdling Dog Master (SHDM)
Scent Work Handler Discrimination Excellent (SHDE/EHD)
Shed Dog II (SD-II/SHL2)
Champion Shed Dog (CHSD)
Senior Shed Hunter [Master level]
Sled Dog Excellent (SDX)
Straight Sprinter Excellent/FastCAT (SX/FCAT/FLY)
Racing/Show High Combined (HC)
Companion Racer Ex II/Supreme Race Ch (CRX II/SBRC/SMRC)
Division II Race Ch Excellent (DIIChX)
Therapy Dog Advanced (THDA)
Tracking Dog/Urban Tracking Dog (TD/UTD/FPr3/IFH1)
Trail and Locating III (TL-III)
Urban Locating III (UL-III)
Treibball Intermediate (TE-I/TPC/D-I/TRB-I)
Trick Dog Advanced Masters (ATD-M)
Expert Trick Dog (ETD)
Water Rescue Dog (WRD)
Working Certificate Excellent (WCX)
Senior Hunter/Senior Hunter Retriever/Hunting Retriever (SH/SHR/HR)
Junior Field Trial Retriever (JFTR)
Working Water Dog/Excellent (WWD/WWDX)
Weight Puller Excellent (VPE/WPDS~)
Level 4 Extreme Versatility Master
XVM (3 Master level titles)
XVM5 (5 Master level titles)
XVMX (7+ Master level titles)
Agility Master Steeplechase or Games
Barn Hunt Master/Barn Ratting Excellent/Extraordinaire Ratter (RATM/ExBA/REX)
Conformation Grand Champion Bronze/Altered (GChB/EGCH/RGCH/SGCH)
Coursing Field Champion (FCH/FC/CFC/CCM/CCB)
Coursing Veteran Field Champion (VFCH)
Disc Dog Platinum/Grand Champion Frisbee-Roller Dog/Disc Dog Advance-Master Ch (DDP/DDGE/GCFD/GCRD/DDACh/DDMCh)
Dock Master (DM/ChDD/GChDD)
Air Retrieve Master/Hydro Dash Master (AM/HDM/USFCH)
Dock Diving/Air Retrieve/Hydro Dash – any Excellent/Grand title
Draft Dog/Carting Excellent?Master (DDX/CX/MDD)
Earthdog Advanced (AE)
Master Earthdog/Grand Master Earth Dog (ME/MXE/GME)
Field Dog Excellent [Pointing] (FDX)
Water Dog Excellent [Pointing] (WDX)
Flyball Master/Multibreed (FM/MBM)
Herding Advanced/Herding Excellent (HA/HX)
Herding Stock Dog/Tending Advanced (SDA/HTA)
Hunter Master/Master Retriever Hunter (MH/MHR)
Qualified Field Trial Retriever (QFTR)
Lost Item Recovery III/Overall Lost Item Challenge (LI-III/LIC-I)
Mantrailer Excellent (MTX)
Obedience Trial Champion Excellent (OTCHX/UUDX/CW-Ob4/CWS/CWG/OTCH-C/UPr3)
Oval Race Champion (ORC)
Division II Oval Race Ch Excellent II (DIIOCHXII)
Parkour Championship Level 5 (ADP-CH/Foundation Level 4)
Scent Detection Master (SDM/SWM/NW3/SD-CH/CW-SPI/MN/DS4/Superior TOG/ABC Games Ch/CCSS-LCH/DS-SSM)
Scent Hurdling Dog Master Excellent (SHDMX)
Scent Work Handler Discrimination Master (SHDM/MHD)
Shed Dog III (SD-III/SHL3)
Grand Champion Shed Dog (GCHSD)
Senior Shed Hunter
Sled Dog Outstanding (SDO)
Straight Racing Award of Racing Excellence (ARX)
Racing Champion (WRCH)
Superior Gazehound Race Ch (SGRC)
Division II Race Ch Excellent II (DIICHXII)
Tracking Dog Exc/Urban Tracking Dog Exc (TDX/UTDX/IFH2)
Variable Surface Tracking (VST)
Therapy Dog Excellent (THDX)
Treibball Advanced/Master (TE-A/TPC/D-M/TRB-ADV)
Trick Dog Expert Masters (ETD-M)
Trick Dog Champion/Trick Dog Performer (TDCH/TKP)
(*2 of these required to count toward one title):
Trail and Locating III (TL-III)*
Urban Locating III (UL-III)*
Overall Urban Challenge (ULC-I)*
Water Dog Courier/Excellent (CWD/CWDX)
Water Rescue Dog Excellent (WRDX)
Weight Puller Ultimate (VPU/CHWPD)
United Grand Weight Pull Champion 1 (UGWPC1)
4 Master titles PLUS 2 Excellent titles = XVM5
(6 DIFFERENT disciplines)
Level 5 Extreme Versatility Champion
XVC (3 Champion level titles)
XVC4 (4 Champion level titles)
XV-CH (5+ Champion level titles)
Agility Master Champion (AGMCH/MACH/PACH/S-EAC/S-EJC/UGRACH/C-ATCH/Silver-Platinum/ATChC)
Barn Hunt Champion/Master Champion/Barn Ratting Excellent Platinum/Extreme Ratter (RATCH/RATCHX/ExBAP/XREX)
Conformation Grand Champion Gold/Altered (GChG/DGCH)
Coursing Field Champion Excellent (FCHX/CGF/GCM/GCB)
Veteran Field Champion Excellent (VFCHX)
Excellent/Lure Courser of Merit (LCX, LCM)
Disc Dog Unobtanium/Elite Champion Frisbee-Roller Dog/Disc Dog Elite Ch (DDU/DDPE/ECFD/ECRD/DDECh)
Dock Elite/Air Retrieve Elite/Hydro Dash Elite (AE/HDE/DE/GUJCH/GSUVCH/GSFCH/SChDD)
Dock Diving/Air Retrieve/Hydro Dash – any Excellent 2 (X2)/Grand Supreme title
Draft Dog Master Excellent/Ch (MDDX/ChDD)
Earthdog Grand Master Excellent/Endurance (GMEX/EE)
Field Dog Excellent Champion [Pointing] (FDXCH)
Field Trial Dual Champion [Pointing] (DC)
Flyball Grand Champion/Multibreed (FGDCh/MBGDCh)
Herding Champion Arena (HCHA)
Herding Champion Stock Dog/Tending (HCHS/HCHT)
Herding Dual Champion (DCH)
Lost Item Master Champion (MLICH)
Obedience Master Trial Champion/Class Championship (MOTCH/GOCH/CW-OC/CWCh/UD-CCH)
Grand Master Obedience Trial Champion (GMOTCH)
Oval Supreme Race Champion (SORC)
Parkour Expert/Champion Parkour Dog (PKD-E/CH-PKD/Foundation Level 5/DPUK-EE)
Rally Champion/Rally Grand Champion (RCH/RACH/RGCH/CRMCH/UROG/ARCHMX/CW- ZR2A)
Retriever or Beagle Field Trial Championship (FTCH)
Amateur Retriever Field Trial Championship (AFTCH)
Retriever Grand Master Hunter/Grand Hunting Retriever Ch (GMH/GRHRCH)
Scent Work Detective (SWD)
Scent Work Handler Discrimination Master Elite (SHDME/HDCH)
Scent Hurdling Dog Master Champion (SHDMCH)
Scent Hurdling Dog Master Premium Champion (SHDGMPCH)
Shed Dog Master Champion/Grand Champion (MSDCH/SDGCH/SHL4)
Elite Shed Dog (ESD)
Master Shed Hunter
Straight Racing Dual Purpose Champion Excellent (DPCX)
Racing Champion Excellent (WRCHX)
Therapy Dog Distinguished (THDD)
Tracker Champion/Master Tracking Champion (CT/TCH/MTCH/IGP FH)
Trailing and Locating Master Champion (MTLCH)
Urban Locating Master Champion (MULCH)
Trick Dog Grand Champion/Champion Masters (TDGCH/TDCH-M)
Trick Dog Elite Performer (TKE)
Treibball Expert/Grand Master (TE-E/TPC/D-GM/TRB-ACH)
Water Dog Master (MWD)
Weight Puller Champion/Excellent/Elite (UWPCH/UWPCHX/EWPD)
4 Champion titles PLUS 2 Master titles = XV-CH
(6 DIFFERENT disciplines)